So according to HOI4 wiki, there are 8 major countries with national focuses in the base game and 13 more … Additionally, I have decided to go down the NKVD root, instead of the ‘Rehabilitated Military’, as the NKVD root gives divisions greater organisation, which is important for the military tactic I will explain later. By the way tension level is 210888% - the scale of 0% to 100% is a bit dubious. As Romania, make it to 1942 with all the states you started it with and control either Moscow or Berlin. Trust the pros: you only need them for 40 width divisions, because small divisions have OP reinforce rates. My 4 artillery reduce my organisation by 7.2 and my 4 support companies combined reduce my … Check Out - Tank On eBay. Infantry have 0% hardness, Motorized have 10% hardness, light tanks have 80% hardness and medium tanks have 90% hardness. Memetic Badass: The minor Asian country of Bhutan in HOI4 has the fascist country name of Thunder Dragon Empire. Butler’s Coup can no longer fire if he’s dead. Gameplay | Rise of Nations | Rise of Nations is a mod lovingly made by the Hoi4 Community, for the Hoi4 Community. Hoi4 more support companies mod Reset the edits you've made but haven't saved.